I got the idea for this blog sharing/take over from another favored author's website. It's a great way for me to introduce you to terrific authors of different genre's you may not know about. As an Indie Author, one of the hardest things to do is market your books, getting them before the readers. We are a small fish in a ginormous pond and rely a lot on social media, personal appearances, blogs, etc. Blog sharing is a great way to expand our reach to other readers. In fact, I have found several new authors myself through blog sharing.
I am a firm believer in paying it forward; many folks helped me along the way, and I want to do the same for others. Therefore, the sharing will not be limited to my specific genre of romance. That's not to say I won't be selective about who I share, because I will. However, you will still get a wide variety of new folks to check out. So, get ready for some fun and exciting new authors to add to your TBR list!
First up on Wednesday, August 7th, will be the awesome, Patty Wiseman. She writes clean historical fiction as well as contemporary romantic and suspenseful tales of survival by extraordinary women. Love her Velvet Shoe Collection. The series is set in Detroit in the 1920's and follows several women through the trials and tribulations of the era.
I'm looking forward to sharing these new authors with you so please check them out!
If you are an author and would like to be on the sharing list, drop me an email and we'll talk about it!