I'm delighted to have my beautiful and talented friend, Taylor Anne, as my guest today. We met a couple of years ago and I'm so glad we did. I thought I was a positive and optimistic person until I met Taylor! She is a joy to be around, and I'm delighted to welcome her here today.
So lets get started. Tell us a little about yourself.
Thanks for having me, Dana. It is a pleasure to be here and talk about my books, the signing, and my life. I love meeting new friends, so make sure you all look me up. Let’s dive right into this interview. (My hands are shaking because I get so nervous doing these things. Lol)
What kind of writing do you do?
I started out writing Romance. It’ll always be my favorite genre to write! I love bringing couples together through life struggles, whether it is danger and suspense or simply the curves life throws at them. The Up In Smoke series is on sale now so you can get a feel for what my writing is like. (Scroll down for the link)
Lately, I’ve been working on sharing some heartfelt life experiences through my blog. Everyone deals with obstacles in their lives. I’ve decided to put some of mine out there in hopes that my words can help heal someone or at least encourage them.
What is your writing schedule like?
Am I supposed to have a schedule? Well then, I’m doing it all wrong. Lol. I work full-time Monday – Thursday and hardly touch writing during those days. I will use lunch breaks and evenings to edit, but writing requires getting in that zone, and I’m computer exhausted at the end of the day. Fridays are my writing days. A cup of coffee in hand, I trod off to my office to get in the words and work on Signing in the South details. I wish every day could be Friday!
What projects are you working on or plan to work on in the near future?
The Sunset Bayou series is coming along well. My goal is to have the prequel and book one ready for the Signing in June 2020.
Signing in the South is a multi-author, multi-genre book signing event hosted in Lake Charles, LA. We are aiming to make 2020 a grand year!! Tickets are available, and we are still accepting authors!!
TA Books & Biz (my official business name) is expanding into Virtual Assisting – writing blogs and content, editing, and general administrative duties. It’s still early, so I haven’t put all the pieces into place such as website or Facebook page, but contact me if you need help with a project.
Sounds like you stay busy. What do you do for fun?
Write and plan events. Haha. Seriously, I am super busy, but that’s what keeps me going. Once a project is finished, I’m jumping into another. I guess that’s how I’m wired.
And I do take time to relax and rejuvenate. The beach is my personal friend. Then there’s family and friends. We are a close family and spend as much time together as we can making memories. Travel is high on my fun-list. It doesn’t matter if it’s a local weekend getaway or hopping a plane, there is always something on my calendar. And don’t forget the wine! Yes, wine is part of my life. We have fun!
Words to live by...
Wake up every day and decide to make it a great one! I do believe being positive is a choice we have to make. Do it. It can change you.
Besides bringing smiles to people’s faces, I enjoy living life to its fullest. Give me a glass of wine, some good music, cats, the beach, sunshine… Well, I could go on and on. With all the trials and tribulations we face each day in our personal lives as well as the world, I find it is so much easier to deal with if you have a positive attitude, put your trust in your higher power (mine is God), and enjoy the life you have.
I live in South West Louisiana (Bayou Country and great Cajun food) with my wonderful and supportive husband. Our combined families include four great children; two daughters and two sons – and growing with in-laws and grand babies. Oh, and one cat, Oscar. It is such a blessing to have the love, encouragement (and computer help) from my family. I could not make it daily without each of them.
You can find my books at The Wild Rose Press, Amazon Encore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBooks. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and Bayou Writers Group of Southwest Louisiana. I hope that my writing will give someone the escape they need in their world.
Love, hugs, and kisses – Taylor
Deal Alert!
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