I have worked from home since I retired in 2013 so basically I am home every day all day long. Hubby and I have established a routine for our together time and then we venture off to our own tasks. That schedule worked great until I HAD to stay home. Now, all of sudden, all I can think about is "I need to go somewhere". Things I have taken for granted before, like having my family or friends over for dinner, getting everything on my grocery list and then some, or having my hair and nails done, have suddenly gained new importance. As has toilet paper. The first time I went to the store and saw all those empty shelves, and people grabbing things like it was no tomorrow, it hit home. We're living a science fiction movie like Contagion or Outbreak.
When this first started, we didn't really know what to expect but erred on the side of caution and did what was recommended. It hasn't been easy, but we do it. Writing has always been my escape but lately, my muse has decided to take on social distancing, too, so I have been unable to do that. However, I have cleaned out cabinets, scrubbed floors and dusted more than I have in forever, so that is a good thing. I organized all my craft materials so when I am ready to do my little table top trees or other Christmas decorations, I'll be able to find what I need easier. I was putting an X on the calendar as each day passed but that only highlighted how many days there were left before we MIGHT begin a return to 'normal' so I quit that. But I do take walks around the yard, yank a few weeds from the flower beds - by the way, gardening is a great stress reliever - and I read. A lot. My to-be-read shelf is pretty extensive and I've added to it just this week.
I dreaded going back to the grocery store again. I used the curb side pick up option a couple of times but half of what I wanted I didn't get or you had to come into the store to purchase. So, I got up early this morning and braced myself for an ordeal. When I came home, I told my husband it was just like Christmas because I got everything on my list except yeast. Instead of being a downer, my morning got off to good start because I went to the store and came back with what I needed. I shall never, ever, take that task for granted again.
We live in troubling times. A lot of people are suffering, some more than others and my heart goes out to them. We all worry about what tomorrow will bring and how it will affect us and our families. Though it's difficult, I try to remain positive and optimistic. I am staying home and limiting contact with others and trying to keep from stress eating everything in sight. I took a walk outside and saw my Gerber Daisy's blooming, the sky was clear and the air was filled with the songs of birds and that gave me hope that not all is dark and gloomy.
Know that this will pass. Not soon enough, but it will pass. We will emerge stronger and more appreciative of simple things we may have taken for granted before.
Take care of yourselves and your families. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay strong.