Sep 15 2020
by Dana Wayne


   I love it when I get to share my thoughts and feelings on other outlets!  Anyway, here is my latest interview published in Books & Benches Magazine. Check it out!

   In addition to writing and cooking, I like to make Christmas crafts - mainly tabletop trees. This picture is my set up from an event last year. Haven't gotten to do any yet this year but will be in Liberty City, Texas this weekend! Whoo-hooo! Can't wait! The trees were started by my late mother many years ago. As her health declined, I helped her out and after she passed away, I continued making them. I do some with a theme, I call them my whimsy's, and others with different nativity scenes. It's really hard to find nice nativity pieces that aren't so expensive you can't use them in something like this but I manage. And I do centerpieces, candle holders, that sort of thing. Crafting keeps my brain occupied in creative mode when my imaginary friends aren't talking to me! I'm still working on book 5, another western entitled Unveiling Beulah and hope to have it out around Thanksgiving...we'll see. 

Hope things are good in your world and that being grounded by Covid hasn't been too hard on you. Take care - be safe out there!